Why do we work? The most obvious answer is to sustain ourselves, to help pay the rent, eat wherever whatever we like, buy clothes to your heart's desire, watch movies, have fun. That is how we most youngsters look at it. But without our realizing it, we intend to have more through our hardwork. We look forward to recognition. We look forward to liberation. We look forward to liberties. We look forward to looking back and saying yes I have done well. We look forward to a space where we matter. We look forward to being looked up to!
This thought struck me hard today. I knew it all along. Acknowledgement is important and gives everyone a sense of satisfaction and importance in life. Not being acknowledged for good work! for hard work! is frustrating and in short makes you feel like a loser.
The end-all of everything is the recognition we keep running after but how many of us have it within reach. On that note, tata