Monday, November 24, 2014


Friendship is elusive,
nothing is ever conclusive
we cry together, we share a snack
you laugh at my jokes, we go way back

Is all I thought I needed to define friends
but world has not left this untouched
stung with shallowness, mired in superficial
it has sucked the life out of friendship
now it defines nothing crucial

Turns out I was wrong all along
there was no happy nor joy, no bonding nor silly songs
There was no sharing secrets nor revealing crushes
no fighting and fall outs, no phone conversation or heady rushes

The fun stories are stale now, laughs are few
Why oh why, ever up we grew

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Not a fairy tale

How life is not a fairly tale
How it will throw stones and bricks at you
And make you feel gross and stale

How it will assure you falsely
And lick up your wounds wisely
But snigger at your every woe
And push your further into the well of sorrow

How life will tell you the world is at your feet
But it’s you who is at it’s feet
At it’s mercy
Making you wonder
If you and your hopes will ever meet

How it will open doors to your darkest fear
Fear, you didn’t know existed
Loneliness will bite
Mind going crazy
You will lose sense of what’s wrong and what isn’t right

At your lowest, life will tell you
Alas I go on and so should you

And so the circus will continue