Friday, December 23, 2011

The North v/s South divide!

Today something funny happened. Well it seems funny now but was hardly so when it actually took place. Today some class one smeg head decided to make our morning extra special. We parked our vehicle in the wrong place but we were hardly gone 15min, when we came back to deflated tyres and the culprits nowhere to be seen. The story behind it was we parked in an office area, were warned not to, didn't listen and bam!
We were wrong in parking there but did we really deserve those deflated tyres at the end of the day? I say no, not because it was my 'bhurrrooom' they attacked but the spite was totally uncalled for! The jerks had their share of fun, a good laugh for 2 minutes in the day, maybe leave oh so happy friday morning tales to recall and showoff infront of fellow idiots.
Now by the time we reached the nearest petrol pump, we had pretty much assumed all Bangalorites to be the same and the 'Air' guy there added to it when he nodded and said yes to everything we asked. By now, we were pretty much set on rattling off woes of being the 'NorthIndians' in the big bad south-indian world. To be honest, I wanted to go back break their car windows but I had to suffice with updating my status and tell the entire world how horribly the city is treating me.
I also did some self actaulization sessions and came to the conclusion that it could have been any city, Calcutta, Bombay or Delhi. But the fact that it happened in Bangalore shook me up a bit was because i carried this stupid idea in my head that North is more aggressive compared to dear Southies. I guess I need to re-think how I think of things.
World, The bottomline is pre-concieved notions are bad for your health, dont carry any and stay happy. Chow for Now!!


  1. And knowing you, you will get back to the same preconceived notion tomorrow

  2. baddies are everywhere, but its the good things that count, don't let an Off Friday spoil it all for you!

    P.S. Next time pay heed to such warnings, you could have ended up with no tyres instead of deflated ones! :|
