Friday, May 10, 2013

Age and time

How many of us associate the word 'old' with themselves? I guess a very few. We want to be alive and young forever, and foolishly believe that death, accident, illness and age cannot touch us. It is funny how we celebrate each birthday with such pomp and hoopla, but refuse to grow up. Honestly, I am not sure how to approach the title that I want to discuss today. Few months back, I saw an image on my wall, which presented the ironies connected with growing older. The father who is usually busy earning a livelihood misses out on the joy of bringing up his kids, the couple who never had enough money to see the world, is unable to do so even at older age, now because they lack good health. I didn't rack my brain over it because it was just one of those boring items, definitely not for the fun and young me.

So I met this old friend after a long time. We are in the same city but stay at two different ends. So, after careful planning over which coffee shop, what time, WHERE, etc the meeting was a success. I know her since I changed schools in my 4th std and was made to sit behind her. We have moved cities, colleges, made new friends, 15 years and still in touch. We haven't had much stay overs and was completely unaware of the coolness factor of 'pyjama party' till the Americans showed us and that was much later. One of the rare occasion when I did stay over at her place was about 3 years back. It was just 1 night but I will always remember the day. The I will always remember bit has very little do with how we broke into her dad's bar and stole some 'things' (in coffee mugs-which we had to rinse squeaky clean later, to remove evidence of any foul play) and mostly related to her house. In fact, the mansion would be a better word.

The big HOUSE had I don't know how many bedrooms, but I noticed most were empty. They were a big family of 5, but all kids were working out of town, settling themselves, building a life. I remember stealing glances at that mansion of a house in our younger days. Luckily the very friend was there too and we would together wonder the magic and fun the place held behind its big bolted gates. When I did stay over that day, I understood the word irony. The house was majestic and meant for a big happy family. But only 3 souls occupied that place. It was so easy to turn philosophical, with the Ganges right at your feet (!!) and long walks in the mango grove. I wish life could be turned around and we could start at the very end.

Monday, May 6, 2013


A few days back, 3 to be precise, was a not so very nice day for me. I had a dinner to attend with my family. As it was in the honour of my dad, it was expected of me to go. I unfortunately, couldn't convince my mother about an overtime option at work. I cursed myself later on way to the 'party' on being such a whopping success as a fool! 5 years of hostel plus an additional 2 years of on my own hadn't taught me anything. One one hand I had mastered the art of not making my bed for 2 weeks in a row and using the chairs in my room as part-time wardrobe, and on the other I still couldn't make up stories with conviction.

Anyway, I ended up going. I knew it was going to be boring bad, but I wasn't prepared for a kick on my back. I don't know which was worse--being stuck with kids of 13 who were discussing Barney Stinson or aunties who talked of 5 ways to prepare Morabba in accented Hindi! Now I am a big fan of pickles,etc, so I ignored the terribly put-on accent and focused on how are they made (seriously!) But then one of them suddenly commented on how Bangalore houses are way more expensive than Mumbai's. I realized I didn't trust her anymore-- even if it's just achaar making.

The entire atmosphere was disturbing. Everyone seemed to enjoy, including my family. I felt betrayed.
 I thought I will make the best of the evening and turned my attention towards Food, when one of the cheeky 13 year old made her grand entry and wished all the 15 aunties in row and didn't stop/break at me. I had to be content with salad and just 1 puri after that. I had already made a secret prayer to the god inside me -- God! one day this stupid girl will turn my age and then, we will see!
Malevolence does not come naturally to me, but I felt cornered.

The day wasn't over yet. There were two new entrants, the aspiring model (think Deepika Padukone at 5'5) sisters. One hot woman is usually enough to ruffle up a chubby girl next door's pretty feathers, and here I was dealing with two. One of them decided to open her prettily glossed lips and grace us with some pearls of wisdom. I heard her telling a big chic, allegedly her friend, not to worry about her weight issues,,"You see! its your body structure" (Besides the smirk, the horns were almost visible) I convinced my poor heart that they aren't pretty and its just the scrawniness.

My heart  had very little space left to take any more blows. As If on cue, dad came to the rescue! Party was over and I could go home and crawl up in  bed and my oversized shirt and feel safe in my own little world