Monday, June 1, 2015

Dear friend

dear friend, where are you

are you hiding behind my friend who is a tad too busy
are you hiding behind the friend who has left the country for better prospects
are you hiding behind my friend who has other friends now
or are you hiding behind that friend who loves his virtual world

dear friend, I need you more than ever

I need you to be the mother to comfort me with your embrace and sweet white lies
I need you to be the father to stand strong and make me my confident self
I need you to be the lover whose affections are unconditional
I need you to be the brother whose wise cracks are inappropriate but much needed

dear friend, do come back

please come back to me for I need your rock solid assurances
please come back to me so I can break down and let go at times
please come back to me so I don't forget what it is to laugh at the cloudiest times
please come back to me so I can pretend not be alone and you can also find the same friend in me

Thursday, January 22, 2015

pictures lie

Do pictures always lie
Do they ever follow the truth, do they ever try

Do they try and break the barriers of deceit and slyness
Do they honour souls which are honest and guileless

Do pictures seduce you with the smiles
Do they ever show the tears that lie beneath
Do they build walls around your trust
Do they make the lying worthwhile

Do pictures help cope
Do they toss you to a wonderland
A land which is built on only hope

Do pictures whisper love
or they just shout lustful thoughts
making you peak with imagination
and then die away in a sea of rot